Mailing list subscribers are individuals that get bulk emails, including weekly/monthly newsletters. Based on the mailing list manager that’s used to manage a given list, they may have registered personally, expressing their consent to be part of the mailing list, or they may have been added manually. The latter suggests that they will de facto get unsolicited emails. Generally, members can be managed by the mailing list owner who can authorize or delete them, or they can unsubscribe manually in case they don’t wish to receive emails in the future. All members will invariably get the very same message on the condition that they belong to one and the same mailing list, but a single subscriber will never be able to see the rest of the mailing list members in the "To" field of the email.
Mailing List Members in Shared Website Hosting
The feature-packed Majordomo mailing list management software that comes with our Linux shared website hosting will give you total control over the members of any mailing list that you set up through the Hepsia Control Panel. You’ll be able to add or delete users by sending an email to, so you can do this from any location without even having to sign into the hosting Control Panel. If you add a mailing list member manually, they will get a verification request that they need to accept in order to sign up for the mailing list. Once they do that, they will get an email with the mailing list’s guidelines and options. You’ll also be able to view a list of all your mailing list subscribers and to keep track of who is receiving your newsletters or any other sort of periodic e-correspondence.
Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you order a semi-dedicated server through us and you create electronic mailing lists through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section, you’ll be able to manage all your subscribers with ease. We provide one of the most widely used mailing list clients called Majordomo. It will permit you to see all your subscribers, to authorize new or to remove existing ones by sending an email message to the mailing list’s administrative address, so you can administer everything without even having to log in to your hosting Control Panel. Of course, only you, being the mailing list admin, will be able to accomplish this. New mailing list subscribers need to approve their membership, so the emails that you send will be legitimate and you won’t need to bother about messages getting reported as spam. We’ve also got a handful of help articles where you can discover more info about how to manage the list itself.