All devices on the Internet are identified by a special number called an IP address, for instance If you have a website, the domain that you enter to access it is to save you time, yet the server where your website files are still has an IP address. Considering that there are far more websites and devices than there are IPs, all shared web hosting servers have a number of sites under the same IP, while when you use a dedicated server you'll have a dedicated IP as well. Even in the first case though, you can get a dedicated IP for your sites and host them on a shared server. An advantage would be that you may have better search engine rankings as a dedicated IP often means a faster loading site. Also, you need such an IP when you plan to obtain an SSL certificate for your site and shield the info that visitors submit on it.
Dedicated IP Address in Shared Website Hosting
When you use a shared website hosting account on our cloud platform, you can purchase a dedicated IP and assign it to any domain or subdomain with a few clicks regardless of where your account is - in the United States, Great Britain or Australia. This is done through the Hosted Domains area of the intuitive and user-friendly Hepsia Control Panel where you may also keep track of what IPs are available, what are in use and what websites they are allotted to. If you want to use an SSL certificate in order to secure the info of your site visitors and you acquire it from us, our system can assign a dedicated IP and install the SSL for you, so you won't have to do anything manually on your end. Meanwhile, you may still have a website in a subdomain as an add-on to the main one under a shared IP address - a community forum where users can share thoughts and opinions about your services, for example.
Dedicated IP Address in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, that is supplied with all of our semi-dedicated server packages, will make it really easy to buy a dedicated IP address and use it for each website that you have in your account no matter if it is under a domain or a subdomain. With just a couple of clicks you are able to order the IP and once our system assigns it, you will be able to set it for one or more sites from the Hosted Domains area of the Control Panel. In the same location you'll also be able to find what IP is used by each and every domain or subdomain, a long list of the dedicated IP addresses as well as if and what site they are assigned to? Provided the IP you'll need is for an SSL certificate, you'll be able to take full advantage of our useful SSL wizard which will make the overall process really easy as it will request and assign an IP to the desired domain/subdomain and then install the SSL without any action on your side aside from placing the order.
Dedicated IP Address in Dedicated Servers Hosting
As all of our Linux dedicated servers hosting come with three dedicated IP addresses as part of the plans as standard, we will give you a serious advantage in case you'd like to run any app which requires this type of an IP. We provide them for free and you're able to use them for as long as you use the server for anything you would like - child name servers for any domain name which you host, an SSL certificate for any site on the server, a software server (online games, VOIP), etcetera. From the Upgrades menu in the billing Control Panel that you'll obtain to manage renewals, service upgrades and domain registrations, you'll also be able to acquire more dedicated IP addresses in groups of three at any time. They'll be assigned to your server in a few minutes, so that you can start using them for your sites and web-based apps without delay.